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Extra Advisory Funding available NOW! Get it before it's gone!

Updated: Apr 27, 2021

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The government has today announced a further $40 million will be available to SMEs to help businesses adapt and innovate to deal with the impact of the virus.

We have already assisted a lot of clients with getting this funding to get free expert advice from us to assist them with business strategy, business planning, cashflow planning, continuity planning and support with getting fundings from the banks.

The initial $15 million was used up very quickly so if you haven't already accessed this funding and you are interested, you need to follow the instructions below and get in touch with us immediately. You can get up to $5,000 in funding with the Regional Business Partner Network (RBPN) depending on your requirements and this funding will go 100% towards our fees to provide this support to you.

Here are the details from our previous blog to get you started off:

Do you need support for Business Continuity Planning, Cashflow and Finance Management? OneTeam is here to help and you may be eligible for funding!

The criteria which RBPN has set are:

  1. You are an employer with less than 100 employees (FTE)

  2. Your business was generally sound prior to the COVID-19 challenge and with the right support should survive to provide jobs and income in the future

  3. You need the financial support from RBPN

  4. The COVID-19 crisis is affecting your business

OneTeam is a registered Service Provider with the RBPN and can assist with getting funding from RBPN so we can provide you with the advisory service that you need.

The first step is to register directly with RBPN here (you will need your IRD number).

(If you have received funding from RBPN previously, please contact us and we can get the process started for you directly)

Once you have registered, a Regional Growth Advisor will contact you to assess your eligibility (this will take around 5 working days). Once your eligibility is confirmed, please contact us so that we can assist you with the next stage of funding.


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