Travel & Tourism
Are you struggling to see any light at the end of the COVID tunnel?
Have you reduced your costs, but don't know what to do next?
The travel and tourism sector is different - and never before has sound advice from experienced professionals been more important.
OneTeam’s Travel and Tourism team is led by accountant Paul Davies, one of the most experienced advisors in the country. Paul and his colleague, Manoj Vagh, have more than 25 years experience each, and work with more than one hundred tourism and travel clients to help them keep their costs down in these challenging times, make plans to hibernate or downsize their operation, get the funding or finances they need to keep going, and make a plan to come out the other side in a strong position.
Talk to us about
Making your travel or tourism business cashflow last during the COVID crisis and beyond
Ways to lower your bookkeeping and accounting costs while times are tough
Securing your personal assets so you don't lose everything you've worked for
Taking the opportunity to review your travel accounting and other systems
Getting and accounting for government grants and reimbursement funds, including Covid, Tourism Transition and, Consumer Reimbursement
Restarting your travel or tourism business without taking big risks
Getting more finance if your business is low on cash
Whether you should close your business and move into travel broking
Knowing when the time is right to diversify your travel or tourism business
Our travel and tourism accounting clients have survived through this difficult period with the help of our specialised financial skills and our access to government funding from the Covid and Tourism Transition funds.
Our easy-to-use travel financial models can help you to plan your cash requirements, talk with your OneTeam advisor to find out more.
If you are feeling under threat and concerned about the security of your financial future, now is the time to reach out for help at special reduced rates, recognising the devastating impact of COVID on the sector.
OneTeam is fully conversant in all the major travel and tourism systems
Including Travelog, Tramada, Tourplan, Tourwriter and VTO.